Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why All Teachers Should Learn Transactional Analysis

Teachers can benefit from learning TA. Read the article to understand why.


attraction coaching Creativity

Can a Psychic Career Reading Pave the Path to Your New Career?

Sometimes it's the little things that are holding you back from your success in your career. Find out how you can overcome these obstacles in your current career or find the career that is right for you, including how a psychic career reading can help you to achieve your goals and pave the way to the career that is best for you.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

It's Just Your Imagination

Has anyone ever said to you, "Oh, you're just imagining things."? Or perhaps as a child you were sharing your fantastical story and an adult told you it wasn't real - and your story came crashing to the ground, deflated? It's unfortunate because, "Your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you; it's the God within you." (Wayne Dyer) So when people taught you not to use your imagination, they were stifling your creative spirit, your connection to source, and your dream machine.


inspirational success self improvement

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Break Through the Barriers to Success, Part 1

We all want to be successful. And when we decide to follow our hearts and pursue our true work, there is this expectation that, somehow, everything we need to know and all the resources we need will be provided. Because we're doing work that's aligned with our purpose there will be an effortless flow from one success to the next. But I've discovered that no matter how aligned you are, there are still going to be obstacles and barriers to success. Most of those barriers are the result of us, insisting that if we just work hard enough, eventually we will achieve the success we seek. I am here to tell you, folks, there is an easier way. And that way is taking a small pause...and making sure you remember that, like the saying, success is an inside job first.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

How to Become Creative

Creativity is a skill or an ability in the creation of objects with values that were drawn from our mind. Creativity always comes along with art. Art also defines creativity and style.


attraction coaching Creativity

Want To Make A Difference? 5 Steps To Take Before Deciding What And How To Contribute

There are unlimited possibilities and combinations of things you can contribute and to make a difference in the world. So how do you narrow down the options? Read on for five key steps you can take before exploring how to contribute, so that you can enjoy a deep sense of purpose and meaning.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Do You Have What Is Most Important To You In Your Life?

An exploration of your true inner path to happiness. I discuss my journey to connect to my fulfillment.


self improvement achievement anger management

Anger Problems - Ways to Cope

Try to analyze some situations that made you angry. You will realize that most of the times the reason for getting angry makes no sense now. I can not boast of never getting angry. In fact all of us are human beings and we do get upset about the situations that are out of our control but what we need to realize is that anger is not a solution to our problems.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Marijuana Overtakes Tobacco Use in Teens

According to a study conducted by the Monitoring the Future Survey, marijuana is now more widely used by teens than tobacco. This is an alarming fact because marijuana is nowhere near as benign a substance as the general public is being led to believe. In fact, smoking marijuana poses many of the same risks as highly toxic tobacco; some of the chemicals produced when smoking pot are identical to those found in cigarette smoke. Additionally, marijuana is marketed as a safer alternative to other drugs because it is not addictive. However, this is completely untrue: prolonged marijuana use does lead to physical dependence- especially in teens.


self improvement achievement anger management

Creativity - The Art of Life

The most important content of advertising is C.R.E.A.T.I.V.I.T.Y.! Creativity is related to the brand as inseparable as a business from customers. As soon as we take up a project [client] at our agency, then our complete team i.e. from copywriter to visualizer, to graphic designer and all other various departments work as a unit and contribute our creative ideas that can best suit that brand's positioning in to the market and the ways to organize a budgetary controlled publicity mechanism! After-all, whatever lies in our agency is a creation through our heart n' soul!!


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

How to Create a Greater Amount of Freedom in Your World

Have you ever noticed how much struggle and suffering occurs in your own life when you attempt to change the people and circumstances in your life as they are happening in a moment of now? Yet, for a few moments maybe you can just remember that great freedom comes from learning how to accept people and circumstances just as they are. In essence, through acceptance, you begin to release your need to control or change people or life situations that are not yours to control.


inspirational success self improvement

Monday, July 11, 2011

How Can I Tell If She Likes Me?

The moment a man thinks of approaching a woman, he wants to know if she like him first. So how do you know if a woman likes you? Read on to find out...


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

Purpose: 3 Keys to Defining Your Purpose

Have you ever said: "I know what I'm supposed to do, but just can't seem to put my finger on it". Well I think we all have said this at one time or another. Our purpose has to be defined which means: to state the precise meaning of, or to describe the nature or basis quality of. It is very vital that you know precisely why you are here on the earth.


success self improvement achievement

The Value of Age

An examination of the root of negative associations with age, and how to evaluate your own perception of value in growing older. Age does not diminish wisdom, but rather, youth see little value in it. Many answers to today's dilemmas could be addressed more effectively if seen with the perspective of those of greater age.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Joy Is A Thought

This stresses how important thinking about how you think is to leading a peaceful and joyful life. You cannot bring feelings into your life without thinking. Only your thinking can bring joy into your life.


anger management attraction coaching

Why Don't Women Like Nice Guys?

Being a nice guy is a very confusing term. It takes something that sounds positive into something weak. On the other side, you have the bad boy. It sounds bad but it's compared to a man who is strong and manly. In order to find out why women don't like nice guys, or their definition of a nice guy, you gotta read on...


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

We Are In A Constant State Of Change

Change is constant and rapid these days. Learn how you can deal with it and excel.


achievement anger management attraction

Reveal Your Power With Words That Work

When leaders integrate questions into their communication, and pause for answers,they engage their employees. We are accustomed to giving directions to our team members. Instead of giving directions on a project, ask your team for their ideas on how to complete the project successfully. When you do accept their ideas and allow implementation you will see a new level of engagement.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

The Secret to Be Successful at Anything!

The secret to be successful at anything is determined by you alone. Take charge, plan an exciting positive future. Take small steps forward each day. Always look to the future by holding onto your vision of your future. Feel the rush of pleasure inside you every-time you take a forward move.


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Sunday, July 10, 2011

6 Creative Things To Do With Inbox Spam

Is inbox spam getting you down? Don't let it! Next time your email inbox fills up, follow these 6 creative things to do with your spam.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

The Land of OZ and The Land of Babel

Many attempts were made to relay the fact that "Something Wicked This Way Comes!" But they wouldn't listen, would they? They all thought,"this little girl is crazy!" It took extraordinary events to come to pass in order for them to maybe understand that everything we need depends each other and on one primary entity.


attraction coaching Creativity

Cooperation Is the Key to Success in These Times

Cooperation is imperative to reach the level of success we are now striving for. We can circumvent the need for financial resources and become successful by sharing skills and helping each other realize our goals. The first step is cooperation in consciousness--the real cause of reality.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

The Power of Your Imagination

We cannot help ourselves but use our imagination all the time. This article describes how to use the power of your imagination to get what you want, faster than you thought was possible.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

3 Ways to Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

You may not necessarily think that having a positive mental attitude can really make a big difference to your life, but it can! The truth is, people who have a positive, can-do spirit lead happier, healthier lives. You don't actually have to be born this way, you can quite literally develop this type of positive mindset by simply following three steps.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

We Are In A Constant State Of Change

Change is constant and rapid these days. Learn how you can deal with it and excel.


coaching Creativity empowerment

Spiritual Life Coaching: Synchronicity and Multiple Dimensions

Undeniably, there are times in all of our lives when two or more seemingly incidental and unrelated events come together in a way that is so meaningful to us that it leaves us feeling a bit baffled, even overwhelmed. Perhaps a song comes on the radio with the lyrics describing just how you're feeling at that particular moment in time.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

How to Love Yourself

Before we even start to look at how to love yourself and others, we need to look at another question. What's the definition of love? Especially, is love an emotion?


anger management attraction coaching

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to Make an Action Plan

Having a simple structure built from a strong foundation makes sense. By using the Life Wheel allows you to do just that.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

The Rich Mentality

What goes on in the minds of some of the wealthiest people in the world? Do they think about chocolate all day long? Probably not but sometimes it sounds like a good idea.


attraction coaching Creativity

Anger Management Techniques: How to Overcome Your Negative Coping Strategies

People deal with their anger in a number of different ways. You could say that people are very resourceful. I'm sure prior to reading this e-book or e-book series, you had a number of different techniques for dealing with your anger. And the anger management techniques probably worked relatively well for you. What were/ are your techniques for dealing with negative emotions and anger? Maybe they worked in the short-term but not in the long-term? Now I'm going to show you how most people's strategies (for dealing with anger) are not working for them. I will explain how they are essentially negative coping strategies.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Where Is Your Head At?

Confidence is defined as "the belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something, or a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one's abilities." I'd like to suggest an alternative definition, and that is that confidence is a state of mind, your mind. If you have self-confidence, you believe in yourself; the someone or something you can put your faith into and rely on is you.


attraction coaching Creativity

Developing Your Creativity

Everyone has creative talent, but many lack confidence in their own creativity. "I'm not very creative" is a common lament, even from people who manage their careers well and are extremely successful in bringing value to the businesses where they work. In fact, developing a more efficient approach to your own workload or introducing a time-saving project management system requires considerable creativity. So the term creativity can have a much broader meaning than simply being possessed of artistic talent.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Vision Boards - The Key To Untold Riches

Vision Boards offer you the keys to The Universe by working in unison with the Law of Attraction; and it takes less than 5 minutes a day! So whether it's great wealth, perfect health or eternal happiness that is your driven goal in life, all of these are yours for the taking once you discover the real secret to unlocking the true powers of a simple vision board.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Banishing Personal Obstacles To Achieve Success

Quite often we get in our own way when trying to achieve success by 'allowing' life to create obstacles! Sometimes it is the personal behavior or attitudes of ourselves or even others that keeps us from our reaching our full potential. Read on to see 5 areas we all need to proactively address in order to become successful more often in our endeavors!


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Friday, July 8, 2011

Addiction To Vicodin

Most understand that Vicodin is a pain killer that is medically prescribed for those in need after surgeries, or serious accidents. Vicodin is currently regulated by the state, and when purchased outside of prescription, is completely illegal. Now in the United States, Vicodin has become a drug that is being abused at the same level as cocaine, marijuana, meth and heroine. Like these drugs, Vicodin has several dangerous side effects that can not only lead to poor health conditions, but can also be lethal.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

How to Manage Your Finances and Eventually Feel Financial Freedom

The financial management industry just got its wake-up call: Sean Adams pulls the curtain back to reveal the easy ways to manage your money based on the teachings of New York Times Bestselling author T Harv Eker. His 6 step program can change your life.


coaching Creativity empowerment

Are You A Functional Alcoholic?

As a counselor for both in class and online alcohol awareness classes I often broach the subject of "what is a functional alcoholic" with my students. Often this gets a quick laugh and a few hands are raised with a "right here dude"! But this is a serious question.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Have You the Desire for Such a Secret Work and the Heart for This Demanding and Challenging Task?

Might there be someone still looking for an inspirational theme or goal for their life and lifetime's work? In what looks like being one of the hardest periods of life for a long time, with serious economics problems because greed and corruption and sheer mismanagement and as a result there are going to be many in dire straits. There are massive financial problems in so many nations of the world including the United States of America and the United Kingdom, and Presidents and Prime Ministers would do well to look to these resources at such a critical time and stop trying to muddle along as if to think that man can work things out in his own feeble and sinful strength. If you have a praying mother, or if you have someone who can pray for you, and pray you through your difficult times, then give thanks to Almighty God. We do not need to do very much at times to have a closer walk with God. We may just have to listen to Him.


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Would You Like To Know How To Become Successful?

I am going to start by talking about the concept of success and how you can attain it. What is success?


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

What Is Your Weakness?

I heard something the other day that made a lot of sense to me about the word weak. I would like to share this with all of you. The meaning of the word weak is just lacking strength. Here are 4 target points to the word weak.


positive attitude inspirational success

What The Laws Of Attraction Are

The laws of attraction are basically simple thoughts that you can teach yourself. These would help you become a better person and attract those that you have been aiming for.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

Anger Inside Me - Start NOW and Tame That Wild Beast!

The anger you see everywhere about you, creating terrorism, from the miniscule to the major, is the same fire and emotion that YOU feel when you have forgotten to be centered in the now, when you are breathing shallowly instead of nourishing your body with oxygen and calm, connecting completely to your inner power. To TRULY live NOW and reach your potential as parents, educators, lovers, workers and friends you MUST address your anger. Acknowledge the feelings as they arise and neutralise the emotional triggers by breathing and forgiving.


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 Ways to Use Uncommon Wisdom to Seize Your Power

In a recent article, I talked about 6 books for women to read about women in power. I came across these books after having experimented with different religious philosophies, reading New Age and Buddhism books and finding that nothing, like in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, spoke to me. Remember, I've been a seeker for as long as I can recall. I'm the girl who as a feisty teenager declared that she was giving up the Catholic religion and had her grandmother threaten to disown her mother. I truly felt spiritually unfulfilled and sure was pounding my head against the wall looking for answers. However, I've always felt like I was put on this wonderful planet to make a positive difference. But how and doing what?


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Goal Setting - How To Go About It

To be successful in creating wealth with an online business, setting goals is very important. Goals can keep you on track and in forward motion, rather than stalled, wondering what to do, and possibly losing your dream of becoming financially successful on your own terms. So what kind of goals should you set?


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Why A Treatment For Porn Addiction Can Change Your Life

Pornography addiction is something that is becoming more and more of a problem for many. Unfortunately because of the Internet, porn is becoming more and more accessible and there a lot of people are having to deal with the consequences. That being said, if you happen to be suffering from it, you need to get a treatment for porn addiction.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Online Life Coaching - The Law of Attraction Equation

Our beliefs are the most important creative tool we have. Without belief, no amount of thinking or feeling would be able to manifest as reality. When we fail to believe in what we are attempting to manifest, we fail to manifest. It's that simple. The law of attraction does not work on thoughts alone, no matter what you've read or heard. It can't. Thoughts are only the beginning of the equation. The second part is emotion. Thoughts combined with emotions become very powerful. But the third and most important part of the equation of creation is belief.


positive attitude inspirational success

Learning Is the Art of Remembering - Part 4 - Feeling the Natural Path

This is the last part of this four part series on 'Learning is the Art of Remembering' and by now, if you've been following the first three parts you should have released a whole heap of baggage that's been dumped on you from others. Feeling lighter and freer the next step is to trust yourself unconditionally and feel your natural path.


Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude

Have You Got The Wrong Attitude For Creative Thinking?

I mentioned in another article that your creativity levels are linked to your emotional states. Another critical factor is your attitude! The wrong attitude can impact massively and negatively on your creative thinking.


success self improvement achievement

Visualization - The Secret to the Law of Attraction

Visualization allows you to take advantage of the Law of Attraction by allowing you to focus on the things you desire rather than those you do not. Follow this easy exercise to learn how to visualize.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

Nine Tips For Massively Supercharging Your Creativity

Most of us can be fairly creative. However there are a nine tweaks and small things you can do that will massively supercharge your creativity. Be it in your personal life or business these tips will work across the board.


positive attitude inspirational success

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How To Look Beyond The Conventional Misconception About The Attraction Of Money?

As a person grows older, they are required to get a greater understanding of the various factors that can impact their life. The use of educational resources aids teach the fundamentals of math, science, reading, language and many more categories.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

The Secret Recipe for Creativity

Learn how to be creative with this special recipe for creativity. This recipe will give you the tools you need to develop and reach your full creative potential.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

How To Make A Successful Mastermind Group

The principle of the Mastermind group is well-known by many people and there are many groups that have been formed under the premise of mastermind support groups, but they rarely if ever deliver a successful outcome. I have seen many of these groups and they have one thing in common, they are very short-lived due to a quickly dying interest from lack of success. This article is about the reasons that those groups have failed and naturally, the solution to creating an effective group.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

The Nature of Addiction and the Need for Destruction

In addiction therapy, an expert can uncover what exactly the factors are behind the progression and continuance of an addiction. Many therapists find that on some level, a drug or alcohol user invites this kind of destruction into their life.


inspirational success self improvement

Learning Is the Art of Remembering - Part 3 - Releasing Judgment

The quickest way to change the world is to accept the world exactly how it is now and the quickest way to change yourself is to accept yourself for exactly who you are right now. Sounds easy eh? But how difficult it is in reality! I wrote in Part 2 that to find our true selves what we need to do is forget a lot of what we have been told about ourselves, who we are and how we should be so we can 'fit in' to mainstream society. Releasing judgment is the crucial next step.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Secret Number 1 to Raising Your Money, Wealth and Prosperity Consciousness

So much is shared on this topic because it remains an enigma and a holy grail at the same time. This is article #1 in a series where I reveal to you 10 secrets to raising your money and wealth consciousness. Whatever your wealth, money or even prosperity there is always more... that's how life is, right?


goal setting happiness positive attitude

How To Stop Being Controlling In Your Life

There isn't much we can control in our lives except our attitude and some days even that can be a struggle. Not being able to direct how things are going, or going to go, or what people may do, can frequently be scary for people. As a result they might try to control just about everyone and/or everything in their life.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

How Do I Get Women To Approach Me?

A shy guy's dream is for hot women to approach him. It takes the fear of being rejected out of the equation. What if I told you that you could get women to approach you. If you really wanna know how then read on...


success self improvement achievement

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

12 Reasons Why You Are Not Happy

This is not a how to get happy easily in life or ways to get happy article. This is going to be the reasons why you are not happy in your life. There are many people wandering around on how to be happy. Their goals on that day to be happy but they are lacking something. This can be you too, the one looking for happiness. Hope the reasons can help you to be happy in life. Here We Go.


Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude

Break Out With a Positive Attitude and the Law of Attraction

Fear is not your friend. It doesn't belong in your house or in your head. It shouldn't be the emotion you reach for.


success self improvement achievement

Creativity Hypnosis - How You Can Use It to Overcome Writer's Block

If you have ever suffered from writer's block, you know how frustrating it can be. It feels as if you are simply watching time pass you by - all the while you are completely unable to string together the right words for that term paper, speech, or business presentation. If you want to put an end to your writer's block, you can do it with creativity hypnosis.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

The Secrets of Upbeat People

What are the secrets of upbeat people? Why are they able to maintain optimism in the face of difficult situations and exhibit resiliency in stressful situations? What do upbeat people do differently to bounce back? Life certainly brings plenty of difficulties to stop us in our tracks and leave us feeling discouraged. Everyone--even optimistic, upbeat people get sad, discouraged, lonely, and fearful. The difference is upbeat people know how to pull themselves out of the doldrums sooner.


anger management attraction coaching

For The Right Reasons

We often times struggle with what we do. We wonder if we should do or say certain things in order to help others, or to better ourselves or to even get ahead in life. We need to know the difference between what we want to do, what we feel like doing and what we ought to do. We need to be sure we do and say everything for the right reasons.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Hypnosis Can Make Anger Management Effortless

If you are looking for an excellent alternative therapy method for your anger issues, then an anger management hypnosis download will certainly be worth your while. Unlike most prescription drugs, it does not have any harmful side effects; it is a natural and safe process. It is also very convenient and easy on your budget; it only takes a few minutes a day and you can choose when and where to have the therapy.


self improvement achievement anger management

Water Under The Bridge

Have you ever heard of the expression water under the bridge? It refers to past experiences and conflicts. The assumption is that the longer you live, the more water you have under your bridge. Most people use this expression when they are referring to a bad experience they had. So here's my question... How much water has to be under your bridge before you can walk off?


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Vision Boards - Living Life With Passion

I believe life is meant to be lived with FUN and PASSION. If you have a feeling of dissatisfaction then that's a warning that a little self reflection is needed. This article will show you how you can turn a dissatisfied AARRGH into a life with flow and excitement.


success self improvement achievement

Monday, July 4, 2011

Niche Rhymes With Rich

A lack of focus is a going to lead down a path of frustration. Unless you can get clear on a single direction to solve a specific problem for a specific segment of the population, it'll be difficult to build a successful business.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

I Wish I Had a Million Dollars

Whether it is having a million dollars, finding the right person, or weighing thirty pounds less, most people live their lives wishing. They wish things were different and that they had the things they desire. This article contains two very basic steps to take you from wishing to living your dreams.


inspirational success self improvement

Hypnotise Yourself to Stop Smoking

The side effects of nicotine withdrawal making quitting smoking a hard task to complete. But hypnotherapy can be used to make the journey easier and more pain-free.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

Focus on the Forest For Success

There is an old saying, "I can't see the forest through the trees." I believe this is a common problem for many businesses. We are so often focused on the trees, or shall we say tasks, that we lose site of the forest or big picture. If we focus on the trees or the details, we are apt to make wrong or inappropriate decisions and to experience more stress.


positive attitude inspirational success

The Secrets of Upbeat People

What are the secrets of upbeat people? Why are they able to maintain optimism in the face of difficult situations and exhibit resiliency in stressful situations? What do upbeat people do differently to bounce back? Life certainly brings plenty of difficulties to stop us in our tracks and leave us feeling discouraged. Everyone--even optimistic, upbeat people get sad, discouraged, lonely, and fearful. The difference is upbeat people know how to pull themselves out of the doldrums sooner.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Are You Tired of Your Own Story? How to Change It!

Which stories do you choose to feed? You've heard that what you focus on expands. But do you realize that your brain loves to collect evidence to support that story you are focused on?


self improvement achievement anger management

Grab A Million Dollars in 6 Months Using Vision Boards - Crazy?

To grab a million dollars in 6 short months sounds far too good to be true so is it really possible or just another crazy scam, and what have vision boards got to do with it? Face facts; if you want to go from zero in your bank to sitting on a big fat million dollar wad in such a short space of time it's going to take something extra special to achieve otherwise everyone and their dog would be dollar millionaires, right? So what's the deal?


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Freedom From Anxiety, How to Deal With Worries, Overcoming Depression, Dealing With Oppression

Freedom is only obtained when we acquire and exhibit the principles that ensure it. The principles are what we must practise to maintain our freedom.


positive attitude inspirational success

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Would You Like To Know How To Become Successful?

I am going to start by talking about the concept of success and how you can attain it. What is success?


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

Anger Management: Four Steps to Avoid Being Controlled by Your Anger Using Emotions As Tools

When you get angry and take action you later regret, your anger is controlling you and you are a victim of your own anger. The emotions as tools model helps you learn to regulate rather than be controlled by your feelings. Read on to learn how to use your anger to gain control of your life.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

Path to Prosperity: 7 Steps To Create An Abundant Life Environment

Practicing and living with a Prosperity Mindset is having the experience of Extraordinary Wellness, Wealth, Relationships, Satisfaction and Happiness in life no matter what it looks like or doesn't look like. Changing or resetting what you are focusing on from not having what you want to having exactly what you want can seem overwhelming and somewhat impossible at first. Consider that your Prosperity Mindset muscle may be weak right now and all there is to do is exercise it regularly.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Attracting and Maintaining Prosperity

Did you know that when majority of the population thinks about prosperity, that they think about money. Prosperity is so much more than just money, but our media outlets have led us to believe that without money we are considered worthless. In addition, prosperity can be looked at through all different levels and stages. If someone has one thousand dollars saved, they might have the feeling of being very prosperous and another could have one hundred million saved and not feel like they have enough. What am I trying to get at here? Prosperity is a state of mind. It can't be found over night with some get rich quick scheme nor can it be found if there is negative attitude surrounding the idea and concept. Prosperity involves all aspects of life to money and health. We will be focusing on money since that is what people want to read about.


Creativity empowerment goal setting

The Complete Guide to Anger Management

Are you always blowing your top? Do you spend too much time fantasizing about strangling your boss? Do you feel bad for yelling at your spouse and kids? Have you jumped out of your car on the highway? Have you had to leave your kid's soccer game because you have threatened the coach? If you can answer yes to any of the above, (or are too close for comfort) you have an anger problem and you need anger management. Find the best method for managing your anger here.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Testing Anger in Marriage: Knowing When It Is Time to Get Help

This article was written to help you find ways to test anger in marriage and knowing when it is time to get help. Anger and anger management problems is very common (unfortunately) in relationships generally and specifically in marriages. It is one of the main reasons why a person will come to anger management counselling sessions in the first place. However, the problem for a lot of partners (who are subject to anger and domestic abuse) is knowing when enough is enough.


self improvement achievement anger management

Three Steps To Improve Self Confidence

A balanced self image of yourself is essential for success in life. You should be happy with yourself and love yourself. Developing positive self confidence is a process and may take time but it will be well worth the effort.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

Fixing Your Administration Problems With Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching may be the solution that you are looking for. When an organization must change, leadership and motivation must appear from the top.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Don't Get Mad, Get Anger Control

When it comes to anger control there are many skills and techniques that can help and assist. For many people who have problems controlling anger, it can take a huge amount of effort to keep calm and relaxed.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Your Self-Think

Why is it that when you want to do something new or different you have the tendency to sabotage it and yourself? You know that voice in your head that kills your motivation. The one that convinces you that you won't accomplish what you set out to do.


empowerment goal setting happiness

The Secret to Attaining Goals = Perspective

Ok, so you want to be successful. You want to achieve your goals easily. YES! IT IS POSSIBLE and IT IS TIME!! It is time to find the relationship between happiness or meaning. You are about to learn how to put your natural gifts to work and profit from them. Ready? Then Read On...


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

Law of Attraction Coach Reveals Secrets to Love Attraction

Do you struggle with attracting the love of your life? You aren't alone. Finally, the key to success and everlasting love is available to us, if we only take the time to get out of our own way.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Self-Reflection Creates Self-Empowerment

Given enough time everyone will become aware that what they reflect on has a direct consequence in their lives. Unfortunately, few people are guided to do Self-Reflection and are bombarded from an early age by what they 'should' do. The result is that what they sometimes say they believe (their indoctrination) obscures what they truly believe.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

The Battle of Armageddon Has Begun!

Is there a mental battle being waged that is the true Armageddon? Is change in the world going to come from without, or is the 'second coming' really about human evolution?


achievement anger management attraction

Using Music On Your Journey To Success

There's been a lot of talk about affirmations and visualization and how it can impact your success. What you are not being told is that a critical ingredient is being left out of the mix.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Is There A Secret to Success?

I hear people telling me all the time that they want to succeed, and they go out and search for the secret. They think that if they learn the secret they can become successful. I really hate to tell you this but NO there are no secrets to success!


achievement anger management attraction

Friday, July 1, 2011

Online Life Coaching - What Is Online Coaching and How Can You Use It?

Some coaches have now started to serve their clients through various online life coaching options that weren't available just a few years ago. For example, they offer unlimited access via email, utilize services like SKYPE to interact with small groups and offer video instruction along the way.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Avoid Looking Busy While Doing Nothing

Many of us have mastered the technique of looking busy while doing very little. In some cases, we stare at our computer screen reading one email after the next. We make it a habit to skip those requiring an action item, hoping that the initiator will forget it was sent to us. Unfortunately, a good percentage of employees spend the working day performing tasks that are routine; those adding little value to the bottom line. This is our comfort zone, and it is easier to live in this mediocre world.


positive attitude inspirational success

Playing Victim

The day we are born we develop, grow and become who we decide to be. It is all down to a matter of choice how we play out our present and future lives.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Success! What Does It Take? No, Really, What Does It Take?

What does "success" mean to you? What do you get excited about? What are you passionate about? Do you have what you want? What does it take to find true success?


achievement anger management attraction

Who Am I? A Crisis for All Ages

The examination of false assumptions about ourselves, how they came to be, and how to identify them. Also examined is how to make changes in the face of the truth in order to achieve harmony and fulfillment. Victimization by life is a matter of perception and not the reality. How see this fundamental truth is a challenge for everyone in life.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

How To Stimulate Your Mind Using Stimuli

In Napoleon Hill's book titled "Think and Grow Rich" Mr. Hill talks about the "10 mind stimuli." What this is basically is the things that when used properly can increase creativity, desire, enthusiasm, etc.


coaching Creativity empowerment

Positive Self Image: A Way to Happiness

For some people, finding success and happiness has turned out to be elusive. Some have even searched the world to find out what will make them happy, while others have searched for answers on what real happiness is. What you must know is that there is happiness inside you waiting to be rediscovered and to be shared.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

How To Dominate Your Subconscious Mind By The Power of Visualization

Success. Fame. Fortune. These things may seem elusive to many. Yet there is one mental practice that would help make these three possible by visualization. Visualization is the process of harnessing the power of your subconscious mind, in so doing, turning creative thoughts into reality. Can visualization really change your life?


inspirational success self improvement