Thursday, June 30, 2011

Focus on the Forest For Success

There is an old saying, "I can't see the forest through the trees." I believe this is a common problem for many businesses. We are so often focused on the trees, or shall we say tasks, that we lose site of the forest or big picture. If we focus on the trees or the details, we are apt to make wrong or inappropriate decisions and to experience more stress.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Accomplishing What's Right With Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching will help you get the right choices for your business. The performance log is a record the manager maintains for each staff and is a record of performance events.


success self improvement achievement

Anger Disorders - What Are They All About?

Anger disorders are a really problem in the 21st century. As a race of beings capable of reason, humanity is essentially fragile and it is vulnerable to the effects of emotion. For each type of emotion, the person ends up struggling with it since emotion itself can seriously impact his or her ability to think reasonably. One of the more notable emotions know to man is anger, which is directly related to the person's psychological interpretation of having been denied, wronged or offended, and in many cases anger results retaliation (which commonly involved violence or some form of danger). Under this type of emotion is the condition called anger disorder (also identified as Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED), which is defined as the inability on the part of the person to control his or her anger. People suffering from anger disorders often struggle to moderate or calm themselves down, and in many cases they tend to have bouts of exploding rage that involves an event (example: an incident) that triggers it.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

Hire a Friend to Be Your Mid-Goal Attainment Guardian

We've all heard that song; "I Get by with a Little Help from My Friends," and maybe that might be a strategy if you are trying to accomplish your goals. As you know the best way to accomplish a very big goal in your life is to break it down into smaller goals. And you must keep track of your progress, but what happens if you start sliding, and become lackadaisical, and don't give it the effort you need each and every day?


achievement anger management attraction

Social Blunders - Do You Make These Mistakes When You Socialize?

Do you makes these Social Blunders when you are at a party or event? Are these Social mistakes holding you back and ruiniung your social life? Discover how you can eliminate these social blunders and really improve your social life now.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

Learning Is the Art of Remembering - Part 2 - How to Forget

Isn't it neat that with all the effort that goes into teaching us as young children how to 'fit in' to society we actually manage to overlay our deepest inner knowing with a whole lots of 'must do' things? Consider once again the Ontological model of 'Being' below:


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

Celebrity Role Models That Have Beat Addiction

Celebrities are often in the news so much, that most people have associated with their issues at one time or another. As some consistently choose to follow the lives of such popular celebs as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Robin Williams and Samuel L. Jackson, it is always refreshing to hear about those that have regained control of their lives through drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation.


inspirational success self improvement

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Things of the Father

There have been times in our lives where we wanted someone to be proud of us. We wanted to have someone tell us we did a good job. We wanted to be acknowledged for the hard work we did in school or at home. We wanted to know we had done something that others had noticed and wanted to be commended for it.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Avoid Looking Busy While Doing Nothing

Many of us have mastered the technique of looking busy while doing very little. In some cases, we stare at our computer screen reading one email after the next. We make it a habit to skip those requiring an action item, hoping that the initiator will forget it was sent to us. Unfortunately, a good percentage of employees spend the working day performing tasks that are routine; those adding little value to the bottom line. This is our comfort zone, and it is easier to live in this mediocre world.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

A Porn Addiction Treatment Can Make All The Difference

Pornography addiction is becoming a lot more common for young and old. It is no wonder that there are more people looking for some sort of porn addiction treatment. If you are among these people who suffer from this addiction on a daily basis and you would like to end it once and for all, there is a solution for you, By reading the following, you will no only get a better understand about pornography addiction, you will also learn where you can find proper treatment.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

The Importance of Trying New Things in Discovering Your Creative Side

People often look at work as an unpleasant experience, necessary to earn a living. We were created to work. It should not be something to dread. It does wonders for mental health. The trick is to find something that you love to do. Trying different types of work gets you out of a rut and awakens your creative side. Do not settle for a boring job, keep looking until you find one that ignites your passion. New positions expand your mind so you can discover what you were meant to be.


success self improvement achievement

Wealth - Does Wealth Affect Your Happiness?

Think about the rich and famous, the media, our rock stars, and movie stars we watch on television. Time and time again, we watch the rich and famous go through distress of miserable divorces, bankruptcies, bickering among the families when someone dies as to the heir who gets the fortune, and on and on. Wealth can make people more comfortable. The truth of the matter is that wealth does not buy happiness. The happiest people I have ever known are regular working-class people, just like you and me.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Lighten Up!

As we grow and mature, we are taught to 'be an adult', and in our society that means we take on the universal archetype of 'adulthood'. Unfortunately that role doesn't have much fun or play in it. "Spontaneity, lightheartedness, and joy are not part of that [adult] role." (Eckhart Tolle) But the truth is nowhere is there a rule about life saying that we have to act composed all the time, that we have to worry and take everything so seriously, that we have to behave ourselves and never play. (And frankly, even if there were such a rule, I'd ignore it. For I prefer to have no rules.)


achievement anger management attraction

Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind For Money Power

Money, money, money... everyone wants it, but few people think of seeking out a life coach in order to get it. Few realize reprogramming the subconscious mind is the key to changing their financial conditions quickly and easily...


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Raise Your Creativity Levels In Five Minutes

In a tight spot and need to come up with a good idea fast? Boss looking to you for a solution to the firms latest problem? Life looking slightly grey and boring and you're wanting to brighten things up? Supercharging your creativity can help enormously.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To Teach Your Favorite Hobby

If you are in the position to teach your favorite hobby, I want to give you a few tips on how to do this, and which steps were very important in my floral design classes. There are many details that might not come to mind immediately when planning your first classes, so I want to make sure you pay special attention to these important areas as you begin.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Decision-Making Steps: The War of Logic Vs Creativity

When making decisions based on logic alone, you are playing it safe and putting a limit to what you could accomplish. This is why; those who risk more gain more. And, if/when they lose, they lose more. Just the way it goes.


positive attitude inspirational success

We Are In A Constant State Of Change

Change is constant and rapid these days. Learn how you can deal with it and excel.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

Managing the Unexpected: How I Stayed Present in Seven (Not So) Simple Steps

So, there I was alone in a hotel room in Poughkeepsie, NY, instead of attending my college reunion festivities. I'd been looking forward to meeting up with past classmates, going to lectures and, most of all, walking the campus.


self improvement achievement anger management

Financial Cost of Addiction Vs The Cost of an Addiction

Let's face it, it takes a lot of money to pay for addiction treatments. But you really have to look at the true addiction cost: all the problems drug use causes, vs. the Suboxone cost.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

An Eternal Quest

What is the purpose of life? Why we came here? Why all of us will have to leave one day? Does life really end with death? Is it the end of all our achievements? Can we surpass death anyhow? These are the questions which haunted the human minds from time immemorial. Spiritual quest begins from here. Later it is turned into religions.


inspirational success self improvement

Four Factors For Creating Your Ideal Reality

Consciously manifesting the things that you want into your life can be a big learning curve for people that are new to the law of attraction. There are four major factors that when combined can put you into the manifesting fast lane. If these four factors are all catered to, then you will be able to attract the life of your dreams easily and quickly.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

The Impasse: Why People Go To Therapy

Why does someone come to therapy? It is because the person needs to solve a problem. She is at a "stuck point," where her own resources are insufficient. She comes to learn; but until she solves her problem, she is in the uncomfortable, frustrating and immobilizing state called, "The Impasse" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim).


empowerment goal setting happiness

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mini-Me: Fiercely Loving Our Inner Little Girl

In honor of this message that I've uncovered I've started writing a short note to myself almost every night from a wise older person --things that I want to hear, need to hear. Information for healing. Witnessing of the bravery I've shown in my own healing work, shout-outs and gratitude for accomplishments. And I sign them with fierce love to myself, from myself.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Is Your Creativity Bringing You Joy or Pain?

You express your creativity all the time. Yet you may be one of the many people who have lost touch with their creative sides. As result your creativity may be expressing itself in a negative way, because one thing that is certain, it is expressing itself in some way.


self improvement achievement anger management

One Reason to Be Ever So Thankful

The fortunate life is the one seeing its good memories more vibrantly than the not-so-good. From these recollections, the pervasive nature of positive experience, a hearty hope is afforded for the foreseeable future. One reason to be ever so thankful is we've been saved many times; we have the option to see this and validate these memories so we can indwell joy.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Life Transitions - How to Make Them Smoothly

Logan is a 35 year old executive at Dulcie Loenne Public Relations firm. He has worked for the firm for over 15 years, starting his junior year in college as an unpaid intern and has worked his way up to become a Partner. His journey was not an easy one, but it has been rewarding. That is until a month ago when he fell ill. He had a brain aneurysm and was in the hospital for two and a half weeks. He made a great recovery with no side complications, but he decided to take an additional two weeks off to regroup and refocus on his purpose in life. Logan decided to create a non-profit PR department in his firm that would do pro-bono work with organizations who are working with single parent- families. The cause was close to his heart as he was raised by a single parent, his dad.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

What Is Your Real Purpose of Life?

Do you drag yourself to work every day? Have you begun to awaken to your soul purpose? Are you one of the few people seeking to discover the purpose of life? Get the reason why so many people find it difficult to live a life of purpose and what you can do about it.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

Guiding Your Organization With Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is very great for your organization. It teaches you how to properly manage your business. Just as with almost anything worth doing, focusing on crucial success factors raises the possibility that you will get things you need.


inspirational success self improvement

The Deeper Meaning Of Aquamarine Blue, The Color Of Ice And Water

Objectively, aquamarine is the color of water and ice. It has something secretive about it. Even though it is very similar to pale blue, it has a totally different quality. Pale blue is the color of the early morning sky which brings with it a fresh and promising new day. It has an almost childish naivety about it. Aquamarine, on the other hand, seems secretive, apart, as though it is hiding something. It is the color of ice and of water. They too hide another form of life that we rarely can see on the surface. Aquamarine shares this shroud of mystery.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Heal Yourself Using the Law of Attraction

When we are unwell, we want to be well. This usually means a trip to the doctors, intrusive examinations and anxiety waits for results. Imagine you could Heal Yourself Using the Law of Attraction. Lots of people have.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Become A Better Listener

So many times we find ourselves repeating what we have said to someone because they weren't really listening. Perhaps their minds were wandering while we were talking. Maybe they had something troubling on their minds. It could be there were distractions which kept them from hearing. However, it happens more often than not. Not everyone listens.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

The Ultimate 7 Secrets Of Success In Life

As someone in the self development field, I was wondering what makes someone starts a project and then complete it and then another person starts but stops half-way.What is the difference between someone succeeding in a particular area with even less resources and another person failing woefully with enormous resources?


positive attitude inspirational success

Taking a Risk!

I was in San Francisco for a week of meetings with my business coach and master mind group. We were all given an assignment - and were told to come prepared to present to the whole group. I had a different task in that I am working on a new strategy/presentation style when it comes to public speaking and sales.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

The Ins and Outs of Setting Goals

Goal settings are formulated, studied and developed by experts on this field. Their methods are true and effective. It's better to take your chances by setting a goal in manner which is proven to be much more efficient than to keep it in your head.


attraction coaching Creativity

Empower Yourself - Setting Goals by Looking at the 7 Main Areas of Your Life

Do you find it easy to set goals? Do you even know where you want to go? Read this article to get some help on where to start with this whole process.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Understanding What To Do In A Dispute With Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution will help you whenever you are in a disagreement. I distinctly remember one scenario where I found myself speaking with a fellow, and while he spoke, assuring him, "I understand."


anger management attraction coaching

Does The Law Of Attraction Really Work? Part 1

In part 1 of this series of 2 articles, you will discover the truth behind the Law of Attraction. Furthermore, you will discover how it works and how you use it today. In part 2, from my research and experience, I offer you strategies on how you can better conrol the application of this universal law.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

7 Secrets to Combat Negative Bombardment

When you think of combat, you think of a war - a battle. Right now there's a battle inside you... are you going to commit or are you going to quit? Too many people these days will not commit, they will quit. There are 85,000 negative thoughts a day fed into our minds. You can be depressed just from billboards, bumper stickers, the radio, and that's without your fancy phones texting you, and that's without all your negative friends sending you negative emails.


positive attitude inspirational success

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spiritual Life Coaching: Egoic Self Esteem Vs True Self Esteem

Anorexia does not exist in tribal cultures. It is a disease that is brought on by our "civilized" society. We are conditioned to feel shame and guilt from early on when we don't "measure up" to others around us. It is the ego that inflicts hurt onto others and it is the ego that feels pain so intensely. Every negative emotion you've ever felt such as sadness, depression, or humiliation has been because of your ego's reaction and nothing more.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

Anger Management Techniques: Relaxation In The Heart Of A Busy City

Our 24/7 lives these days seem to allow us less and less time to relax and more opportunities for anger to rise. This is especially true when we live in a major town or city. From personal experience this is a very stressful environment. The major stress seems to be the daily commute to and from work, stuck in endless traffic jams in our cars- road rage often evident, on crowded trains, trams, the bus or underground on packed underground trains - not good in the winter and virtually unbearable at the height of summer.


achievement anger management attraction

Discover What Makes People Happy

In order to feel happy we need to understand what makes us happy. Even the smallest and most simplest of things can make us feel happy, for example a smile from our child. Take a look at the following advice in order to recognise what makes people happy.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Do You Know The Subtle Signs Of Video Game Addiction?

Most people picture video game addicts as undisciplined children or immature grown-ups that don't seem to have direction in life. The picture of a person who has video game addiction is always a grotesque or sloppy one. But is that really the case all the time?


happiness positive attitude inspirational

Goal Setting - Why Einstein Got It Wrong!

This article is about a famous quote by Albert Einstein, and why it's all wrong for goal setting. The quote is 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'. So what's wrong with it...?


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Anger In The Classroom

A well balanced home is what most parents strive for when raising a family. When kids spend the majority of the day in a school setting though, its important to recognize if they are facing anger in the classroom that they have to deal with. This is an area that we as parents can easily overlook.


anger management attraction coaching

Growing Prosperity: 5 Things You Need to Abundantly Receive the Abundance of God!

Is your measure of prosperity being limited by your ability to receive? Discover 5 things you need in order to abundantly receive the abundance of God!


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

10 Ways to Live a Happier Life

I think everyone would agree that happiness is an important part of life. What is happiness though?


coaching Creativity empowerment

Friday, June 24, 2011

How to Rewire Your Brain to Make Lots of Money

It's not hard to make money. You just have to know what you're doing.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Is It Your Mood or Your Attitude?

Your mood is generally brought on by physical conditions: you're tired, hungry, cold, or in some other type of discomfort. How you respond to your mood, however, is a matter of attitude.


success self improvement achievement

How To Attract Money With These Three Possibilities?

The goal of achieving financial gain is an objective for many individuals who spend most of their lives attempting to obtain. There are many methods utilized by individuals in the goal of finding the best way to attract cash and even discovering the most efficient way which appeals to your interest is vital.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means

Events happen in life. They have no inherent meaning. You then INTERPRET the event and CREATE a meaning. And you convince yourself that the event HAS a meaning.


self improvement achievement anger management

Sit Up, and Stop Driving Asleep at the Wheel of Your Life?

Everyone says they want to have more 'success' and struggle with how to realize it. Like anything worth having in life, it does take effort, sometimes really uncomfortable effort. And that is how we grow, by stepping outside of our comfort zones.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

Embracing the Inner Bitch

A huge step in my personal growth process was learning how to embrace my inner bitch. Women oftentimes go through life trying to keep our good face forward while attending to the needs of others. Sometimes we just don't feel like being so accommodating so we hide behind a wall of niceties and platitudes while seething inside because we are afraid of our true feelings.


self improvement achievement anger management

The Color of Your Life - Or the Shadow

Which do you see... the color all around you or, are your shadows in the way? When we pause... really find our center, we can usually list all the beautiful things in our lives for which we are grateful. But what can we do when the shadows become our focus and we can't see all the good in our lives? Well, as a coach, I always say that first we accept whatever emotion is there... really take it in, own it, feel it wherever it lies within us. Only by accepting our emotions... even the shadow ones, can we begin to release them.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

Simple Yet Powerful Positive Thinking Exercises (Pt 1)

One of the most important positive thinking exercises that you can use is daily affirmations. However, these affirmations aren't the only thing you should use to help improve your way of thinking. By nature, most people tend to think in the negative, since that is what life seems to throw at us most of the time.


achievement anger management attraction

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Quitting the Other Stuff (Not Just Caffeine)

Quitting caffeine is one thing, but you're probably going to get more benefits from quitting the other stuff. What other stuff? For me, I was addicted to caffeine because of diet soft drinks.


Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude

How to Take Control of Your Life After Beating an Addiction

It doesn't matter what it is, whether you are addicted to alcohol, medication, illegal drugs, you name it, it is a struggle for anyone to try and overcome. However, beating an addiction is not always the hardest part of the problem, it's regaining control over your own life that can be the real issue.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Your Creativity Level Is Tied To Your Emotional State

I've stated in other articles that your creativity levels are linked to your emotional states. It's usually extremely hard to be creative when your feeling down or depressed - for me its nigh on impossible. I believe that there are optimum emotional states for creativity.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Attracting and Maintaining Prosperity

Did you know that when majority of the population thinks about prosperity, that they think about money. Prosperity is so much more than just money, but our media outlets have led us to believe that without money we are considered worthless. In addition, prosperity can be looked at through all different levels and stages. If someone has one thousand dollars saved, they might have the feeling of being very prosperous and another could have one hundred million saved and not feel like they have enough. What am I trying to get at here? Prosperity is a state of mind. It can't be found over night with some get rich quick scheme nor can it be found if there is negative attitude surrounding the idea and concept. Prosperity involves all aspects of life to money and health. We will be focusing on money since that is what people want to read about.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Anger Management Part 4: What If Someone Acknowledges Their Anger But Won't Take Action?

During this series of articles we have been looking at an angry person becoming aware of their anger, acknowledging their anger and then taking action to resolve it. This article looks at what happens if the angry person doesn't want to take action. It might not be the end of the world.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Dream Your Wings to Life - Success Solutions

Metaphorically we can relate to a Genie in a bottle comparing our lives as a trapped case that makes your feel stuck, stuffed and stifled. Genie only became powerful when freedom became a reality. Dreaming your wings to life is an article that will help you get started with success solutions.


empowerment goal setting happiness

How Subliminal Technology Can Help You Tap Into The Law of Attraction

Sometimes people can struggle to tap into the right side of the Law of Attraction. When I say "The right side" I am referring to the law of attraction being used to bring you the things, experiences and manifestations that you DO WANT as opposed to the things you DO NOT WANT. A stumbling block for many people who have this problem, is that they are carrying negative and limiting beliefs within their subconscious mind that are holding them back from consciously creating the life that they desire.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Goal Achieving Tips - Help Setting Your Goals

In order to have goals that you have set materialize, you need to put it into action. There are books that are all about setting goals and ways on how to have them accomplished, which is all well and good, however when it comes on to success, work has to be placed into it. Mentors When you have someone who motivates you to further achieve your goal, it makes it easier for you to complete the task that you have set for yourself.


attraction coaching Creativity

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Delirium Tremens: When You Wait Too Long With Looking Into Cures for Alcohol Withdrawal!

Delirium Tremens: everybody knows the word, but not a lot of people know what it means exactly. It is important to look into cures for alcohol withdrawal as soon as possible, in order to avoid a very hard and difficult process! Delirium Tremens is the phase after drinking with highest change of risk. It is vital to act fast!


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Confirmed - Happiness Begins Again At 50

Amazing news for all of those of us who are in the grip of a mid life crisis - happiness is just around the corner, confirmed by a new scientific study that proves our lives actually follow a U shaped curve. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this inherited, proven, characteristic we all have.


positive attitude inspirational success

The Answers Revealed

By letting go of the NEED to have all the answers, to be in control... you can empower yourself to experience the FREEDOM of 'knowing'. Give yourself the gift of time to go beyond the busyness and chatter of the mind. Explore beliefs and expectations which are holding you prisoner and keeping you stuck in the 'doing' leaving little time to 'feel'.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

Shed Your "Devil" and Pursue Your Dreams, No Matter What!

This is a story about my dream to become a writer. For years I had put this dream on the "one day" calendar because I thought that one day I would have more time.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Not Quite Perfect?

No one on the planet is perfect so isn't it time you ease up on yourself! Quit using your energy to beat yourself up for being imperfect. You are lovable, flaws and all. Being overly hard on yourself will steal your happiness.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

Anger Management Problems - Where Do The Kids Hide?

Anger management problems in the home means an unhealthy environment for the entire family. The kids though are often the ones that are the most devastated by these outbursts and yet are the ones where the damage goes the most unnoticed.


goal setting happiness positive attitude

Is There a Secret to Stop Alcohol Craving?

Can Addiction be Kicked for Life? Is there a secret to no longer craving drugs or alcohol and stop addiction? To date, some alcoholics are given Antabuse, a powerful drug that makes alcoholics very sick if they continue to consume alcohol. While the drug is effective, it is still not the antidote to alcoholism, it simply creates a violent physical reaction to the alcohol which in turn creates a dislike for consuming alcoholic beverages. The craving for alcohol; however, still does not go away while taking the drug.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

Creativity Tools - The Art Of Being Still

You know that feeling when you reluctantly pack away a project out of shear frustration at your inability to move forward with it? When something that previously gave you such joy, now leaves you feeling deeply 'disappointed' and 'disheartened'? You sense that there is something important missing, but cannot work out what it is. Trying to get inspiration from other people's work, just leaves you feeling worse and in serious doubt about your competence.


empowerment goal setting happiness

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We Are So Scared

Doing this living thing well takes great courage and an open heart. But so often, we are frightened to put ourselves really out there--to give it our all. Why are we so scared? We will be hurt. We won't do it right. We will fall on our face. People will judge us. Or quite simply, we do not know how.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Get More Love

My four-year old grandson asked me the other day when he could make up the rules. Said he wanted to be the boss for a change! Out of the mouths of babes--I cracked up!


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Heal Yourself Using the Law of Attraction

When we are unwell, we want to be well. This usually means a trip to the doctors, intrusive examinations and anxiety waits for results. Imagine you could Heal Yourself Using the Law of Attraction. Lots of people have.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Inner Peace or Bust

Creativity necessitates the bracketing of the ego. Letting go of our attachment to external factors such as praise and recognition for our "talents" is the key to inner peace and success. Inner peace is not as elusive as we are lead to believe but it does require a particular mental discipline.


self improvement achievement anger management

The Best Way To Deal With Stress and Anger

Most of the time anger and stress goes together. When we feel stressed out we can easily get frustrated and irritated. Most of the time when we are getting annoyed it is a lot easier to get angry than to deal with the circumstances. Unfortunately anger doesn't solve anything. When your feelings cool off you will have to deal with the problem once more and it can even get worse. Stress is the number one cause of anger issues.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Moving On - Stop Looking to the Past

Commitment. Ah, the "C" word. So many people run from being committed to life, to a goal, to a love, to something. But until we truly put our heart, our soul, our all into a dream, we let fear, anxiety, doubt creep in, causing us to feel chaotic, feel restless, to feel like we are being foolish to believe.


self improvement achievement anger management

Monday, June 20, 2011

Follow What Calls

It is June 13th 2005 that I begin this story. I look back on these six years in disbelief. Could my commitment have brought me such joy?


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Professional Development for Coaches: A 5-Step Self-Study Guide

Of all the challenges of being a coach is isolation. Many coaches work alone. If you're not careful, you can start to believe you are alone - completely on your own in your quest to envision, design and implement your business. Such an approach can be quite limiting. Here are 5 ways to guide your own learning that will help you get better connected.


attraction coaching Creativity

Are Your Friends Bringing You Down?

Let's chat about the people you surround yourself with. If you want to be successful and you are surrounding yourself with successful people then that will help you achieve what it is you are striving for.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Understanding Limiting Beliefs: Their Importance, How They Shape Your Life and Solutions

This article aims to give you a clear understanding of what limiting beliefs are, where they come from, their importance in terms of how they affect your life on a day to day basis and ultimately what you can do about replacing limiting beliefs and achieving the life you desire. What are Limiting Beliefs? Quite simply limiting beliefs are beliefs we hold about ourselves, others and the world at large, that are not in actual fact true.


positive attitude inspirational success

It Can Happen! The Secret of Attracting Money

Are money worries dominating your every day thoughts? Do you struggle to make ends meet each and every month? Fear not. You can become a magnet to incredible wealth and prosperity by discovering the secret of attracting money.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

A Warning About Positive Thinking

Throughout the past decade the biggest trend in pop psychology has been that positive thinking, along with little effort, can get you all you'd ever want out of life. Many who subscribe to these philosophies (readers of books like "The Secret" and "Law of Attraction"), believe that one can wish prosperity and success into their life simply by will-ing whatever they want into existence.


attraction coaching Creativity

How Goal Setting Helps Students

No matter your age, goal accomplishment is a life long process. Goal accomplishment is the backbone of creating hopeful, engaged, and thriving lives. Learn about Rising Stars, a program designed for youth development, in this article.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

Is Addiction an Incurable Disease?

Call addiction what you wish - a condition, disease or a disorder. I have no problem with those labels. What I do have a problem with is every Tom, Dick and Harry in the addiction treatment industry insisting that addiction an "incurable" disease. Terminal cancer is an incurable disease. Addiction is entirely curable. I know this to be true, because I'm a cured alcoholic and there are millions of others like me.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Positive Thinking and How to Get Better at It

There are many benefits to approaching every day with a positive mindset and using the Powers of Positive Thinking. You will achieve your goals in a shorter period of time. You will have a growing inner strength, and your energy, health and happiness will improve. People will be more inclined to respect you and follow you and indeed, you will find life smiling back at you. Now that's all well and good. It is easy to know that but how do you actually accomplish it? How do you become a Positive Thinking Master? This is the first post in a series that will show you how to become a positive Thinker in simple and easy to follow exercises. None of the exercises are rocket science they just require practice and persistence.


inspirational success self improvement

How Subliminal Technology Can Help You Tap Into The Law of Attraction

Sometimes people can struggle to tap into the right side of the Law of Attraction. When I say "The right side" I am referring to the law of attraction being used to bring you the things, experiences and manifestations that you DO WANT as opposed to the things you DO NOT WANT. A stumbling block for many people who have this problem, is that they are carrying negative and limiting beliefs within their subconscious mind that are holding them back from consciously creating the life that they desire.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

The Importance of Trying New Things in Discovering Your Creative Side

People often look at work as an unpleasant experience, necessary to earn a living. We were created to work. It should not be something to dread. It does wonders for mental health. The trick is to find something that you love to do. Trying different types of work gets you out of a rut and awakens your creative side. Do not settle for a boring job, keep looking until you find one that ignites your passion. New positions expand your mind so you can discover what you were meant to be.


anger management attraction coaching

A Rehab Center Can Help Only If The Addict Wants To Be Treated

There are a lot of alcohol and drug rehab centers all over the country, but how many of them are effective? This is a question that is plaguing the experts, addicts, and their family and friends too. The main problem is, much too often, an addict goes back to his or her former lifestyle and old habits, even after being certified as completely healthy by the center or the clinic.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

A Simple Treatment For Overcoming The Real Cause of Addictions

There is a simple treatment that exists to overcome all addiction. Yet implementing this simple treatment requires that you understand why addictions exists and how they came to exist within the mind of every human being on Earth.


self improvement achievement anger management

Law Of Attraction: Color Therapy To Sharpen Your Visualization

You can redress your emotional balance and bring it back into alignment and harmony with your thoughts through color therapy. Colors can stimulate your mental activities and place a profound effect on your feelings and thoughts which are important criteria of the law of attraction. It can calm and relax or it can swing your moods onto the far side.


empowerment goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational

How to Achieve a Successful Intimate Relationship and Happiness: Advice for Singles and Couples

A Successful Intimate Relationship and Happiness are interrelated. Both can be achieved as one is able to stop sabotaging his/her relationships and cultivate a satisfying one. In order to do so one must become aware of the ways in which he/he harmed the relationships until now and make the necessary changes.


achievement anger management attraction

Saturday, June 18, 2011

When Anger Fools Us and What To Do About It

Anger boils away silently within us, most often as we repress our childlike instinct to curl up and cry. Our worlds don't expect us to act like children now, and we have a job to prove just how adult and 'mature' we really are. But anger is the foil for fear.


inspirational success self improvement achievement anger management

The Equation of Giving and Receiving

The adage "It's better to give than to receive" has withstood time and generations. It has been influential to us in our decision-making and in our way of dealing with people. Admit it, at one point in your life, this had been your mantra, a way of life that you have practiced. It is normal; most people have used it as well.


Creativity empowerment goal setting

Empower Yourself - Setting Goals by Looking at the 7 Main Areas of Your Life

Do you find it easy to set goals? Do you even know where you want to go? Read this article to get some help on where to start with this whole process.


attraction coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting

The Secret of Attraction: The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind holds a lot more than the programs to keep your body functioning. Like a submarine of the deep, your subconscious mind will take out anything that doesn't fit with its programming. If the secret of attraction is not working in your life, there's a subliminal program operating somewhere in the deep.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

When Fear Wants to Win - Don't Let It

There are so many who feel lost, alone and powerless; this is a message of sharing..relating, understanding, awareness, compassion and ultimately..HOPE! I can only hope that somehow the message to join together in helping each other will be the focus and the light to lead the way.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

Path to Prosperity: Create a Workspace for Success

If you are out to create Prosperity and Abundance then your workspace needs to radiate with success. By creating an Abundant environment in your workspace you add to your attractiveness for all of your heart's desires. Clear away the clutter in your office and organize yourself for success. Everywhere you look will reflect back on your Prosperity Mindset and give you an instant super charge for creating exactly what you want in your life!


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

How to Have Positive Feelings in Difficult Times

I have a friend who rides an emotional roller coaster: up, down and all around. Life's smallest frustration is dire. Unfortunately, she has never learned to take control of the 'feelings' before they control her. The result of all this drama is a see-saw of excess emotion. Emotions, 'feelings' as we call them, are unreliable. We think that our thoughts follow our feelings, but actually it's the other way around. If you 'feel' unloved, it's because you have been...


attraction coaching Creativity

Friday, June 17, 2011

9 Practices for Cultivating Creative Aliveness

"Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~ Howard Thurman. Like any healthy relationship you have, or creative project you engage, your Creative Self needs quality time to thrive. Here are 9 practices for accessing and cultivating new levels of your creativity, inspiration and aliveness.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

Gain Skills in Anger Management Online or in a Classroom

Ah, the debate continues, can anger management classes be learned online or can it only be learned in a classroom setting? The U.S. Department of Education recently conducted a study comparing traditional learning with what is now called "E-Learning". Online or distance learning education is one of the fastest growing trends in the country. What many used to believe was "distance learning", was video conferencing, educational television, or correspondence courses.


attraction coaching Creativity

Ways to Be More Creative When You Are By Yourself

It's not always possible to be in a group or class situation because sometimes you want to access your creativity when you are on your own. Being alone and wanting to be creative can have its advantages so long as you are willing to try some or all of these techniques.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

How to Have Positive Feelings in Difficult Times

I have a friend who rides an emotional roller coaster: up, down and all around. Life's smallest frustration is dire. Unfortunately, she has never learned to take control of the 'feelings' before they control her. The result of all this drama is a see-saw of excess emotion. Emotions, 'feelings' as we call them, are unreliable. We think that our thoughts follow our feelings, but actually it's the other way around. If you 'feel' unloved, it's because you have been...


attraction coaching Creativity

5 Tips for a Successful Alcohol Detox

Every recovering alcoholic's journey to sobriety starts with detox, the stage in which the body gets rid of all traces of alcohol. Many consider detox to be the most difficult part of the recovery process, but the good news is that it only lasts a few days. And once it is over, everything else is easy by comparison. However, this is little comfort to any serious alcoholic facing the prospect of a difficult detox. If you are about to embark on this stage, here are some ideas to keep in mind.


success self improvement achievement anger management attraction

The Fisherman's Tale

Today, I was contemplating that often quoted saying, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.' Teaching of the importance of education and empowerment, its wisdom applies just as much to us as it does to those people that we desire to help. So often, we place ourselves in a position of power over others in our own mind, and we forget that to best help them, we must cultivate something valuable within ourselves that is worthy of being received.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Synchronicity or Mere Coincidence?

I am continually amazed at what happens in my life since firmly implementing the mantra of "Intention-Attention-No Tension." I experienced one of the most interesting "coincidences" of all just yesterday...


coaching Creativity empowerment

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Does Your Work Schedule Frustrate You?

Are you fighting a losing battle with your work schedule? For anybody who works online it is important that the working schedule they organize be realistic as well as properly targeting priorities! Read further to see 3 hidden dangers that face anybody online when they repeatedly over-load their day with too much to do.


happiness positive attitude inspirational success self improvement

Finding Yourself Simple Tips

Finding yourself can be pretty challenging when you are feeling lost. You've probably gone through some transition and you are not exactly sure who you are any more. Discover simple techniques that can guide you to finding yourself.


success self improvement achievement

6 Creative Things To Do With Inbox Spam

Is inbox spam getting you down? Don't let it! Next time your email inbox fills up, follow these 6 creative things to do with your spam.


positive attitude inspirational success self improvement achievement

Positive Thinking And How To Engage Your Unconscious Mind In Assisting You To Think Positively

The unconscious mind is absolutely THE most powerful tool that anyone has to aid them in their pursuit of success and happiness. It's Primary Purpose is to keep you alive and it is awesome at this Primary Purpose. When you are relaxed and out of any immediate and obvious danger your unconscious mind has an immense spare capacity. Like any mentor and guide that you can talk to at any time, why not simply ask its advice on the things that are causing you stress or distress?


Creativity empowerment goal setting

The Powerful Question

How many times have you entered into a conversation only to walk away without resolution or any forward motion on the topic? This happens to all of us.


coaching Creativity empowerment goal setting happiness

A Positive View of Anger and Forgiveness

Child sexual abuse is a crime. It does not only break the rules of morality and society, it is also a manifestation of how ungodly and wicked people can become, especially when they are misguided and ill-advised. There have been so many negative impressions towards child sex offenders and abusers. The law is harsh when it comes to providing justice for victims and punishments for abusers.


achievement anger management attraction

The Secret of Attraction: The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind holds a lot more than the programs to keep your body functioning. Like a submarine of the deep, your subconscious mind will take out anything that doesn't fit with its programming. If the secret of attraction is not working in your life, there's a subliminal program operating somewhere in the deep.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anger Management in Children: 7 Tips To Help Them Cope

Dealing with anger is not a skill we are born with. Anger is an emotion that each one of us encounters many times in our life and it can turn ugly and hurtful very fast. Everyone deals with this powerful emotion in their own way.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

What Does Really Beauty Means?

Often, when we talk about beauty, our brain cells unconditionally tend to imagine and portray a picture of young Women. This is a very common and natural thought process. However, this is really untrue. Beauty is deep and beyond gender! Beauty means not only the outer surface appearance of someone, but also who they are inside and how they portray themselves on a day-to-day basis. Beauty comes from Inside-out rather from outside-in.


achievement anger management attraction

Air of Springtime: Let's Find Our Truths and Manifest Our Ideas

It's now the first week of April. In a blink of an eye the first quarter of the year is now behind us. Yes, springtime is here. It is another shift to a new season that is much anticipated to most of us. This had been a long, extended winter even for us southern California residents just in case you are wondering why I wrote "much anticipated" in capital letters...


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

What's With All This Global Mess Happening At The Moment?

So much has been happening globally over the last few years. Many of us think that it doesn't concern us, while others worry about where our future is heading. We don't live in isolation and we can't ignore the global political stresses and natural disasters that are so prevalent at the moment. We do need to keep it all in perspective though by being aware of where we are as individuals.


self improvement achievement anger management

Be Decisive, Get Serious, Make a Total Commitment!

You achieve any goal more rapidly when you become more decisive. Making powerful, important decisions, and eliminating the clutter makes you more focused on your goals. When you make clear decisions, you become laser focused on charging at it. You get closer to your goal and your goal gets closer to you. Making a decision moves you from doubt to action!


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

5 Tips to Generate New Ideas and Inspire Creativity

So! You're looking at a sheet of paper or at the computer screen screaming for that idea to just jump out at you. You're being driven nuts. Nothing is forthcoming! Here are some great tips to get the ideas flowing.


attraction coaching Creativity

Addiction Recovery: The First Four Steps

Substance Abuse; like any addiction whether it be caffeine, smoking, or drinking, or even chocolate indulgence; is anything but easy to quit. However, along the way I have all faced my own addiction and have decided to share my experience with others in the hopes that they can learn from my mistakes. Here are my first four steps when battling an addiction.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

Time + Effort = Reward

As I write, today was the first day back to school for my children. As the day broke, all three of them had themselves organised, and they were looking forward to the 2011 student year. It was a proud moment, and it got me thinking.


happiness positive attitude inspirational

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Is Reality?

When most people hear the world reality, they often think of other terms like down to earth and realistic. In this sense, reality is often considered to be what everyone consistently believes to be reality. For this reason, reality is generally considered to be what everyone thinks it is. While this reality everyone believes to exist can be true reality, true reality is much more personal than this. True reality is everything in life, existence, you have personally witnessed to be true.


anger management attraction coaching Creativity empowerment

Paintings Inspire Creativity

If you want to be a popular painter when you grow big, what do you want to paint and why? Do you want to be a good painter who can paint the wondrous beauty of nature like trees and seashores? How about the real happenings in the society such as injustice and cruelty? There are a lot of subjects one can choose from if he wants to be a painter but one thing is to be considered, the message of the said masterpiece.


success self improvement achievement

Success Programming In Difficult Economic Times - 6 Steps To Get You Back On Track

The number of U.S. millionaires increased by 600,000. Yet there are still people out there complaining about the economy. Learn the mental process of how these people do it.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity

The Effect That Quotes On Happiness Can Have

Lyrics of a song or famous quotes can have a great impact on us. Take a look at the following information in order to establish what effects the various quotes on happiness can have on us. Take the time to think about your own feelings and how these quotes actually make you feel.


anger management attraction coaching

In A Relationship

Many of us have some type of social network we connect to online for various reasons. Some of us may be out there just to check on others we know and see what they are doing. Some of us may be out there to find that special someone in our lives we can spend some time with. Some of us may be out there to get away from our own lives and loves as an escape from the real word.


self improvement achievement anger management attraction coaching

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction

A drug and/or alcohol addiction is a life-changing illness that can be detrimental not only the addict, but also to their family and close friends. To better understand addiction as an illness, one must first understand what an addict and/or addiction looks like. In then seeing an addictive lifestyle in yourself, or a within the life of a loved one, it is possible to seek proper rehabilitation treatment.


self improvement achievement anger management

Law Of Attraction: Attract The Right Relationships

We are all in relationships as parents, children, spouses, lovers, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, business associates and so forth. These are the examples of the human relationships that influence our daily existence beginning from the day we're born up to the day when our time on earth is up. Consciously or unconsciously, it is the law of attraction at work.


achievement anger management attraction coaching Creativity